Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Text File
117 lines
left_arrow equ 04d00h
rght_arrow equ 04b00h
up_arrow equ 04800h
dn_arrow equ 05000h
pgup equ 04900h
pgdn equ 05100h
hom_key equ 04700h
end_key equ 04f00h
insert equ 05200h
delete equ 05300h
tab_key equ 00f09h
rtb_key equ 00f00h
f1 equ 03b00h
f2 equ 03c00h
f3 equ 03d00h
f4 equ 03e00h
f5 equ 03f00h
f6 equ 04000h
f7 equ 04100h
f8 equ 04200h
f9 equ 04300h
f10 equ 04400h
shff1 equ 05400h
shff2 equ 05500h
shff3 equ 05600h
shff4 equ 05700h
shff5 equ 05800h
shff6 equ 05900h
shff7 equ 05a00h
shff8 equ 05b00h
shff9 equ 05c00h
shff10 equ 05d00h
ctlf1 equ 05e00h
ctlf2 equ 05f00h
ctlf3 equ 06000h
ctlf4 equ 06100h
ctlf5 equ 06200h
ctlf6 equ 06300h
ctlf7 equ 06400h
ctlf8 equ 06500h
ctlf9 equ 06600h
ctlf10 equ 06700h
altf1 equ 06800h
altf2 equ 06900h
altf3 equ 06a00h
altf4 equ 06b00h
altf5 equ 06c00h
altf6 equ 06d00h
altf7 equ 06e00h
altf8 equ 06f00h
altf9 equ 07000h
altf10 equ 07100h
ret_key equ 01c0dh
back_space equ 00e08h
esc_key equ 0011bh
ctl_pgup equ 08400h
ctl_pgdn equ 07600h
ctl_larrw equ 07300h
ctl_rarrw equ 07400h
ctla equ 1e01h
ctlb equ 3002h
ctlc equ 2e03h
ctld equ 2004h
ctle equ 1205h
ctlf equ 2106h
ctlg equ 2207h
ctlh equ 2308h
ctli equ 1709h
ctlj equ 240ah
ctlk equ 250bh
ctll equ 260ch
ctlm equ 320dh
ctln equ 310eh
ctlo equ 180fh
ctlp equ 1910h
ctlq equ 1011h
ctlr equ 1312h
ctls equ 1f13h
ctlt equ 1414h
ctlu equ 1615h
ctlv equ 2f16h
ctlw equ 1117h
ctlx equ 2d18h
ctly equ 1519h
ctlz equ 2c1ah
alta equ 1e00h
altb equ 3000h
altc equ 2e00h
altd equ 2000h
alte equ 1200h
altf equ 2100h
altg equ 2200h
alth equ 2300h
alti equ 1700h
altj equ 2400h
altk equ 2500h
altl equ 2600h
altm equ 3200h
altn equ 3100h
alto equ 1800h
altp equ 1900h
altq equ 1000h
altr equ 1300h
alts equ 1f00h
altt equ 1400h
altu equ 1600h
altv equ 2f00h
altw equ 1100h
altx equ 2d00h
alty equ 1500h
altz equ 2c00h
space equ 3920h
ctl_ret equ 1c0ah
NPADPLUS equ 04e2bh
NPADMINUS equ 04a2dh